Who Developed the Craap Test?

Marco Wilson

The CRAAP Test is a test to check the reliability of sources across academic disciplines. CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.
Due to the vast number of sources existing online, it can be difficult to tell whether these sources are trustworthy to use as tools for research.
Primarily scientists and science students use The CRAAP Test to determine if articles are acceptable for use in an academic setting, though the test can be applied to the humanities.

Who Developed the Craap Test?

CRAAP Test, ArashEmamzadeh Source - 

CRAAP Test, ArashEmamzadeh Finishing up considerations on basic perusing To assess the value and dependability of the data you are perusing, pose a ton of inquiries, similar to What's the significance here?

Why? How does the creator know? Who said that? When? Given what proof? Even better, have a rundown of the CRAAP Test questions, and will work.

Remember to tap the pertinent connections or look into references. This methodology may help you not just hone your instinct and not squander your energy on second-rate articles yet, also, comprehend and review what you read better.

Why is the CRAAP Test important?

CRAAP test: evaluating source credibility. Evaluating the credibility of the sources you use is of key importance to ensure the credibility and reliability of your academic research. California State University developed the CRAAP test to help evaluate the credibility of a source.

What does the acronym CRAAP mean?

CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. Use the CRAAP Test to evaluate your sources. When was the information published or posted?


It is generally accepted that the current information aspect places an increasing burden on the information consumer. The lack of editorial control in a web environment, coupled with personalized search engine results and filter bubbles of disinformation on social media makes obvious the need for keepers to grow our guidance to teach and encourage lateral, fact-checking behaviors and dispositions.